Creative . UX . Finance . Tech . E-commerce
I’m an experienced copywriter and content writer with ~15 years of success helping clients cut to the crux of their offer. I always lead with the customer benefit (it’s all they care about), shine light on your problem-solving abilities (again – that’s all customers are looking for), and open the door to engagement, and crucially, sales.
Content examples: blog posts and articles

Personal finance (B2C) / Fin-tech​
​Can old school money tips help us during the cost-of-living crisis?
How to use the power of automation to easily manage your money
How to achieve financial independence and retire early with FIRE
6 tips to get more cash and beat the crunch – without starting a side hustle
There’s still time: Discover 5 ways to boost your income in 2024

​ Technology (B2B / B2C)

Copywriting examples: incl. marketing copy (email funnels, social media etc), web pages, ad copy, UX